I am building my own enclosed trailer.
You waited until now to ask the question?
My first thought before I scrolled down was to fair in between the back of the fender and the front of the tail light and add a collapsible trailer tail.
Permalink #3 adds the pertinent information — the use case. I'm surprised that kach22i suggests adding frontal area.
The gold standard in these-here parts is Thee Holy Template. If you abstract it down to simple curves and add it to a trailer frame you get this:
It has the correct taper on the front and sides but not the top, which is the biggest deviation from the template to accommodate a rear entrance.
Just starting with a rolled face on the trailer sides would have helped. Is that race car's wing demountable?
Okay, changed my mind already. Follow Mair:
Back to a collapsible tail, but the curved nose is instructive.