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Old 11-10-2019, 10:07 AM   #66 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Natalya View Post
Modern American culture is incredibly wasteful.
Ocean problems:
Why do we need to wash tons of fertilizer down the Mississippi each year?...... kills fish....hurts coastal fishermen... Different farming practices can reduce the need for fertilizer. We can also get by without growing so many crops for use as bio fuels...... more carbon efficient to pursue vehicle electrification and general fuel economy gains..... ethanol in the gas... a carbon inefficient process because now you gotta burn more fuel to do the farming of the corn that you're going to convert into ethanol, and you're taking up farmland for that purpose.

Urban sprawn, increased albedo, etc... let's fix that too! Put solar panels over top of parking spaces. USPS did that for their massive LA package facility. Why do all the big box stores have completely closed off roofs?.... I did go to a grocery store with skylights in California once, why don't they do that everywhere? It's probably way cheaper to setup than solar panels..... Roads ought to be made from concrete like the US Interstate system. That would reflect more light back into space than asphalt. At the same time the concrete roads have to be redone wayyy less frequently.
Natalya is thinking well, starting with the ocean fertilizer dump "dead zones". Of course, Natalya is correct about the ethanol, used to dilute our nation's fuel stocks. 10% ethanol E10 loses 5% to 8% MPG than ethanol-free gasoline. Her reflectivity & longevity comparison between asphalt & concrete is good.

In contrast, AGW deniers are just AGW deniers.
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