Originally Posted by rob.e
I've had the revised map on the car for several weeks now and it's definitely using less fuel to travel at the same speeds as before - see my pic above, with a warm engine, constant speed, i have achieved up to 99mpg. No way i could get it that high previously.
My overall average is not much difference, as i'm finding it hard to avoid using the additional performance i get with the new map, but when i'm really doing my best (driving style) for mpg then it is easier to obtain high numbers, and the max i can achieve is greater than before based on my non-scientific experimentation 
I am sure you are correct in that the engine is using less fuel for travel at the same speed, my only point was it is not likely that the map was simply "leaned". There are other measures that can be taken to make a diesel engine more efficient, like modification of injection timing and fuel injection pressure, but diesels are completely different than gasoline engines where the air-fuel ratio in controlled.