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Old 11-15-2019, 08:20 PM   #1 (permalink)
Ecomodding Crazy
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Ferndale wa usa
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zach mobile - '96 Chevrolet s10 ls
90 day: 26.95 mpg (US)

Glider - '18 honda civic SI
Team Honda
90 day: 36.59 mpg (US)

Foxy - '06 Honda Insight
Team Honda
90 day: 64.23 mpg (US)
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Intake vacuum energy recovery

Hey guys I'm wondering if anyone has experimented with trying to recover energy from the difference in pressure between atm and the intake manifold. Based on some back of the napkin math there seems to be about 800 Whrs available from the 15 ish inches mercury pressure drop across the throttle plate for every gallon of gas burned.
There is a whole host of engineering problems trying to recover this, given that the power available is dependant on engine vacuum and rpm. As well as the engine control problems because the ecu is getting input from the throttle position and the manifold pressure or air flow.
Anyway I was thinking a roots blower coupled with an electric generator that you could use to both pull energy out of the air and also control the air flow by torque controlling the generator might be an interesting experiment.
I'd love to know if anyone has tried this thanks.

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