Originally Posted by cliffordlj
Hey guys I'm wondering if anyone has experimented with trying to recover energy from the difference in pressure between atm and the intake manifold. ...
Hi Clifford,
I don't remember anyone here actually running any experiments. There is an old thread
here that discusses the idea, before getting side tracked. There are a few other threads, maybe.
Your estimate of 800 Wh per gallon works out to about 2.4% of the energy in the gas.
My contribution was to point out that for an Otto cycle engine, the maximum amount of power lost to throttling is always less than 5% of the engine output. At idle that's about 5% of almost nothing, and at WOT there is no throttle loss.
This lost power has been fretted over since the first gasoline engines, but no viable method has been found to use it. Yet.