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Old 11-18-2019, 10:12 AM   #9 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Location: Indianapolis, IN
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The reason they're charging extra for camber and caster adjustment is because the have to mess with shims which can be extremely time consuming. Generally speaking your typical alignment will include toe at all four corners, and camber/caster anywhere that doesn't require extra parts/disassembly, i.e., if there are eccentrics or threaded adjusters.

Based on where your alignment is, I wouldn't even worry about it, camber is probably where it's supposed to be, and caster is only off half a degree side-to-side, which might cause a very slight drift left on a very flat road, but would probably drive straight on most crowned roads. Caster is also not a wear angle, so as long as it drives properly I wouldn't give it a second glance
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