Originally Posted by Piotrsko
Nice. Are you compensating for how hot these cells sometimes get?
Compensating how? They have a small gap between them for airflow. However, I really don't anticipate them getting that warm. I don't plan to charge them to 100% capacity. Most of the heat generated is in the last bit of charging. Also, the discharge rate isn't that high. The cells will never even see 1C discharge. I am planning on monitoring the heat during charging once the pack is assembled to see if I am way off base.
Originally Posted by Ecky
Perhaps I missed it in the thread, but what are you going to use to connect them? Spot/tap welder and tin strips?
I'm not totally sold on this yet, but I am thinking thin aluminum strips. We're talking .025 to .040 thick by 1/2" wide. That is plenty to transmit the current we're talking about. It also allows it to be easily deformed to make good contact with the cells.