Originally Posted by oil pan 4
My leaf gets about 140mpg equivalent or 4 miles per kwh during warmer months with out even trying. Normally I get 4.5 to 4.7 miles per kwh with out the trailer.
Best case scenario a pickup gets about half the fuel economy of a non hybrid economy car.
So figure 70mpge or about 2 miles per kwh.
100% conversion never works out it's not a perpetual motion machine
32.78kwh for E10 gas
realistically you can only get 10.1kwh out of a single gallon of gas 33%(some newer engines are upwards of 40% )
10.1KWh ÷ 28.7 miles=
40-45.45MPG would be the actual so basically you have what amounts 3 gallons of gas equivalent , using the efficiency percentage of an ICE engine...