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Old 11-22-2019, 02:08 PM   #5 (permalink)
All Darc
Join Date: Feb 2018
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Pro-choice... People have the choice of be rational and responsible and so avoid unwanted pregnancy. Sure there are cases of rape or failure of contraception, but it's a minority.
Most people with unwanted pregnancy (or with fatherhood coming from it) prefer to be irresponsible, dumb, promiscuous...over and over...
Would we call them Pro-Stupidity???

In the same way the act of interrupt a pregnancy when the embryon have no brain, no nervous system, a very early stage, it's not murder of a person. People who insists that it's a murder, like strangle a toddler, are Pro-Lie.

By the why, Redpoint, on Brazil they are accusing a software of racism. It's about the software for face recognition. They said the software point 90% of the criminals as blacks.
It's a arrogance, the idea that blacks most be spoted, even in statistics, as no more prone to crime otherwise it's racism. The criminal rate among blacks are clearly superior in statistic models. Of course that a rational discussion about why this happens among black population can perfect talk about the social side, education level, jobs offers etc... But they prefer to label everything as racism.

On internet I saw accusations against Kodak old film stocks, saying Kodak was racist because the films and prints did not get dark shadows (black skin) well. Other absurd, since wide dynamic range for prints was always a goal they tried to increase, and not a ratial decision.

Last edited by All Darc; 11-22-2019 at 02:22 PM..
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