Thread: Tow bar angle
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Old 11-23-2019, 10:55 AM   #18 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Originally Posted by euromodder View Post
If the tow bar angles down, it'll push down the tow hook under braking, which then lifts the front, reducing braking ability ...
That's pretty much what I was thinking, thank you. Like I said, there was one time I tried to stop and my front tires locked up and skidded without pressing the brake pedal that hard. I was braking with moderate pressure going about 10 MPH and the front tires suddenly locked up with no warning. I could not tell if the front of my car was lifting up or not, but for the brakes to lock up that easily I'm thinking it must have been. The brakes felt like they were somewhat adequate, but I didn't have traction to stop.

Do you know what effects the tow bar pointing down would have on stability? The towed car seemed to be going straight, but it was pushing my car all over the road. I was constantly having to make corrections to keep it in my lane and I am wondering if the tow bar pointing down could have had anything to do with that.
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