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Old 09-14-2008, 11:53 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Aegean C - '17 Honda Civic LX
90 day: 39.51 mpg (US)
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Thanked 31 Times in 24 Posts
How are you all determining when your injectors have stopped firing? Are you going by the cutoff feature in the Scangauge? Or have you wired up LED indicators? I'm still very curious about this. I'm not convinced that my car does this, but I can set the "fuel cutoff" setting in the SG according to the manufacturer's instructions and see cutoff indicated by "9999MPG" under certain coasting conditions. But as best as I understand it this is just a guess. On the other hand, one of my manufacturer-specific X gauges is fuel pulse width, and I never see this register zero under any coasting conditions. Thoughts?


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