Well I made it home safely last night, HARD WINDS was crazy at times, but made it.

And got 59.3 Mpg round trip so I was very happy,(heavily loaded hated hills)
I would have to say it was a great experience going there, information overload. It was sweet seeing the cars and mods first hand.
Johnny thanks for having it and I will mark on calendar for the next one, for sure.
Hacksaw, RacerX, CoyoteX, MetroShultz, JohnnyMullet, Xfi, GenevaDirt, You are all a great group of guys to hang out with. Just wish we all would have went to highschool together, could have been the Metro click.

I do mean it though would love to see you guys again at next one.
Hacksaw, CoyoteX I owe you guy a lot of thanks for parts, and helping to get site dry with tarp, etc. I would have had to leave without your help. Hacksaw your brother should stick that Fox on here.

Cool little car.
And JM thanks again was a great time after rain stopped. I was just sorry to leave tour early, and great job on Radio. You sounded perfect for it, must have practiced a little.
But the coolest part about it all was just meeting you guys in person. And being able to hang out and share experiences and mods It was cool to say the least, You are a bunch of stand up guys.