Originally Posted by Xist
If someone is accessing the back of the mailbox and they are not a mail carrier, their pinkies are undoubtedly null and void.
If they are accessing the front then hopefully they are just getting their own mail.
The Postal Commander or whatever e-mailed me again this morning:
What was more important, her leaving the mail of sixteen families unsecured or not responding appropriately when a stranger demanded to talk to her?
Hey, I did not say "I pay your salary!"
[shudder] I hate when people do that!
I don't care if they are my boss!
Oh! That was the Postmaster!
Postal Commander sounds cooler.
Locked mailboxes are a joke. I open mine at the rental using channel lock pliers because they are easier to locate than the key and just as fast. Probably same method thieves used before.
All I have to go by is your account of the interaction. If the only words to acknowledge your complaint to the letter carrier was "I know", then I would say that is the only problem. If the box is broken, that isn't the carriers problem. Mail is always unsecured, even if there's some false security given by a lock. We secure things first at the family level by instilling values, then communities, and finally by law enforcement.
The reason I haven't been murdered yet isn't because of excellent gun restrictions; it's because society mostly produces people that don't want to murder. Likewise, my house hasn't been broken into for the same reasons.