Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
It does surprise me that nobody seems to have at least tried to enhance the off-road capability of the LLVs in order to render them suitable to the rural mail routes.
They can use the LLV just fine on rural routes, it's just a question of there were never enough made and they can't make more. The last one was made in 1994 and there are 10s of thousands of new routes in the USA since then. Also 10s of thousands of the LLVs have been destroyed in accidents in the same time. It's pretty amazing as many are still on the road considering their daily industrial use and abuse. I don't see any 1994 cop cars still being used everyday on the beat. Maybe a few firetrucks that old more in a reserve capacity (although even brand new firetrucks are not always used daily)