I'm planing on clear gloss heli tape/ clear bra etc. It's used on OEM application where stone chips are a problem. Costs around $1000 to do a whole car DIY, but it's easier than wrap and has a much longer life. Can be cleaned and buffed like regular paint.
Toying with the idea of doing an advertising wrap, they pay pretty good money for big vehicles and I'm not worried about how it will look or damage to paint during install/ removal.
If the glass roof makes production I plan on having some stainless or alloy lazer cut and bonded over the glass - too hot for that non-sense here.
I'm pretty sure there will be a lumber rack provision. Americans seem to have no imagination when it comes to their three box pick ups. All it would take is a bed stake like old trucks had - pop out the blanking plate and drop in the rack. Failing that it could extend down and bolt to the rear bumper. Could even attach to the towbar mounting points.
Being a unibody also means it could have a load through hatch and folding rear seat - so transport of full size sheets would be easy.
I see nothing but possibilities