Originally Posted by Xist
With Popular Science I wonder what is the cause and which is the effect, or is there just a downward spiral? Did they lose talent and leadership because print is decreasingly popular and it just got worse from there?
Over the last 20 years readership has been going down, journalism/typesetter pay has gone down and the whole industry has shrunk.
While the popularity of paid opinion, ad placement, ghost writing, bots has taken its place.
People only want to see what they imagine to be true from bots that appear to be a peer and media is profiling everyone to deliver just that.
Finding scholarly writing is difficult since it’s behind higher paywalls or simply for internal use and no longer public.
We have put ourselves into this predicament by devaluing the worth of having most unbiased information, hence flat earthers and other Luddites taking hold.
The internet of free information is anything but.
Sad state of affairs