Originally Posted by Binger
could use one of those cleanr tabs in your toilet tank just make the water blue and she will be happy

I think this is a case of the cure being worse than the problem. I think just using drinking water is a better choice than those cleaner things and grey water.
I live out in the country and in our area some people are allowing the local towns to spray their "biosolids" from the sewage treatment plants on their fields. If it was just human waste it wouldn't be a problem, but cleaning products, medications, oil, whatever else people dump in the drain is in there too and super concentrated!. The number of farmers allowing this is getting smaller and smaller so soon it may not be a problem in my neighborhood, probably it will be just put in the dump eventually which is also a waste. But better than contaiminating peoples food and drinking water.
Anyways, use less cleaning crap, more elbow grease and few bacteria are good for you, chlorine not so much.