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Old 12-17-2019, 02:46 PM   #22 (permalink)
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I am not sure this is the most appropriate place to share this, I just do not know where would be more relevant. While I am home sick I am on a Joe Scott binge. I do not have any idea what he is saying, but the images are pretty. However, Hrag Najarian commented:
Hey Joe, A common misconception in our field of Meteorology is that, if we have more moisture in the atmosphere from global warming, we will get more rain. This is another "truthy" statement. Moisture increases with warming, that is true, but precipitation does not increase at the same rate as temperature increases, nowhere close to it actually. This is because Precipitation is dependent on moisture and temperature. Temperature rising from climate change will allow the atmosphere to hold more moisture, but the rate at which moisture is being added to the atmosphere from evaporation is not keeping up with the rate at which the capacity is increasing. I would suggest you read up on this Joe since it's a lot to follow in just a paragraph. It's an interesting effect that once again, seems "truthy" but it isn't fully correct. Here's a good reference: Held and Soden 2006: Robust Responses of the Hydrological Cycle to Global Warming, Journal of Climate.
I actually have not watched the video yet.

I read years ago that the only exhaust from hydrogen cars was water vapor, but someone pointed out that is a greenhouse gas. I believe that I have mentioned it from time to time, but it really seems that if I want to convince someone, I need to argue for the other side.

People just do not want to believe me.

Anyway, the comments indicate that the greenhouse gas in question is water vapor, but in the words of The Troggs, "I wanna know for sure."

So, can someone watch the video and report back? My schedule is full of naps!
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
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