I find it easier to calculate "fuel" cost of EVs by using the miles per kWh (or watt/hrs per mile) and multiplying by the utility rate.
A Model 3 might have a 4 mile per kWh efficiency (more or less depending on season), with a 10% loss in charging/conditioning. Lets call it 285 watt/hr per mile when everything is said and done.
At my utility rate of 11 cents per kWh, that would be 3 cents per mile. Compare that to my Acura at 30 MPG and assuming 3/gallon gas, my fuel cost is 10 cents per mile, or roughly 3x the cost of electricity. That correlates pretty nicely with the efficiency of electric propulsion compared to internal combustion.
12,000 miles a year in my Acura would cost $1200, and $360 in a Model 3.
Of course, all this is easy to calculate using the Calculator linked in my signature.