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Old 12-22-2019, 11:10 AM   #230 (permalink)
All Darc
Join Date: Feb 2018
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Another thing, the newer encoding algorithms that are coming will make things worse !!!!!!!

Better encoding algorithm use better analize to compare elements on the scene, manage better to get what thing it's repetitive and should be repeated or repeated in a sligh different position. But the better a algorithm became for repetivie thing, the worse it became for scenes with fast changes and a lot of sucessive changes, if the algorithm allows to reduce the bitrate.

That what happened with DVD from Blu-Ray and HD TV. The encoding used on DVD wasn't capable as much to get the redundant information as the ones used in Blu-Ray, and so they need good bitrate to get quality image for scenes with considerable motion.
When encoders for Blu-Ray arrive, they were better to get redundant information to process, but as they reduse the overal image bitrate needed, the bitrate for scenes with a lot of motion became not ideal.
HD broadcast have a steady bitrate, and not a variable bitrate for each scene like DVD and Blu-ray. So if they low the overal bitrate, imagining the new encoding algorithm it's great in low motion scenes, it will became poor for scenes with high motion.

When the new encoding algorithm arrive the TV Stations will desire to cut cost to get more money, and so they will add more channels to the same space they have. So the images may keep the actual quality for the scenes with very low to medium motion, but will lost quality for scenes with high motion.

Last edited by All Darc; 12-22-2019 at 11:20 AM..
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