Originally Posted by Hersbird
You need to get the packages out faster PER EMPLOYEE. The hourly wage and benefits trumps all other costs by a huge factor. With today's health care, retirement, workman's comp, etc you are usually better off working employees overtime rather than hiring more as the benefit costs are fixed per employee and cost more than time and 1/2 hourly wage. So each delivery guy needs to be fast. It's one thing delivering $30 envelopes in a big city like bicycle curriers do, but if you have real packages like UPS caries, you can't be wasting time loading, delivering a few, going back, loading, delivering a few. The best delivery vehicle will hold your entire days work in one trip. Loaded one time, driven across town one time, and spend all day emptying it, with one trip back to be reloaded for the next day.
And if a driver spends more time looking for a parking space to unload packages... if that is even a consideration. I know the campus I am near, they park and have to pull a cart/dolly to move all the packages, and if they spend more time walking than in their truck, employee efficiency is WAY down. an ebike is much faster, less tiring, and probably more efficient in time than a truck trying to do the same route.
Here, because the size of the campus is fixed (in the middle of a town/city), as the university adds more buildings, that usually means less parking and more people that need to park (there are less parking spaces than employees). Where do you park a delivery truck?
And, this is not even that big of a campus nor city. I cannot imagine what it is like in places like the Bay Area, LA, Chicago, New York, DC, etc.
And if that dropoff of the trailer is done in the future by an autonomous vehicle, then doing local delivery with an ebike makes even more sense.
It is a pilot program for now, so they are probably just researching it to see if it will work or not.