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Old 12-25-2019, 06:02 PM   #8 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Funny enough mine is a fiesta too - previous model to yours and UK spec though.
I've tried the auction sites and subscription thing - waste of money for me, its like ford won't let the info out into the public domain.

The systems all seem to be interconnected, with fail safes (?) built in.
I had a problem with the door ajar sensor - couldn't lock the car because it thought the door was open.
Pulled the Central locking fuse so I could lock it, but that made the indicators flash super fast - not straight away mind, but a few trips later.
Bypassed the door sensor so it always thinks the door is shut, then somehow it's figured it out again - if I open the door while moving I get a warning message.
It's like as if the canbus signal rerouts itself or something?
This is on a poverty spec model too (wind up windows, no power anything) I can only imagine its worse on newer, higher spec models.

I've given up on fault finding past checking for loose/dirty connections and damaged wires - anything else needs a computing degree 🙄

Merry Christmas btw
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