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Old 12-26-2019, 02:36 PM   #305 (permalink)
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Tesla's Can't Tow Across Country

Originally Posted by Hersbird View Post
I wasn't even talking about the Loveland pass video, they had another where they try and tow a trailer to Oregon for a show and just get killed on the range and the real problem, the recharge times vs gas. They called in the Ram to finish the trip, it was still faster many hours into the run to start the whole trip over from the beginning with the Ram. The trailer used in that video was much lighter and had a smaller frontal aera but still just destroyed the range on the Model X.
I watched that one as well.Why they chose the biggest aerodynamic abortion to ever cast a pall across the United States I don't know.The BOREAS SERIES XT has got to be the poster child for full-excrescence trailers.
Flat-plate envelope to destroy the flow to the spare tire,which further destroys the flow to the nose mounted pet mausoleum,which conspires to separate the flow before it can reach the torture-chamber hard edges,top-and sides,then they throw 18-inches of rectilinear gravestone onto the roof rack,glom on a 3'-by-3'-by-1' tumor onto the passenger side,then an 8-gallon propane tank to guarantee full separation on that side of the trailer,on top of fenders which protrude a full 1-foot on both sides,to deliver the coup de grace.Add the exposed wheels and axle barnacles to finish off the effect.
I didn't know it was legal to sell parachutes for the highway.
And of course,you must drive it at 75-mph.No concessions.
Since the Tesla is a full-attached flow body,it has no benefit of a large wake in which the trailer may be embedded,like the HUMMER H-2 which towed the Cimmaron horse trailer to Denver,for the other test.
If you wanted to 'rig' an aerodynamic test,well then,I give them an A-Plus!
I would be strained to the limit to find anything charitable to say about the testers.A technical conspiracy hiding in plain view.
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