Hey guys, where are the DIY folks to get SunPower efficient solar cells and create a solar electric car in their own garages???
By the why, the windshield have a nice area. Since SUnPower cells are flexible, they could create a sort of slider solar panel using flexible material, to cover the windshield area (from inside) after leave or park the car. The sides surface of the car could have some solar panels too.
Indded, with the HD cameras technology of today, which can even have night view, multi angles and take few energy, they could even drive with the sliding solar panel covering the windshield.
Originally Posted by oil pan 4
Wow pay over $100,000 for free drive power.
I will just continue to buy electricity for my $6,000 leaf.
If my leaf lasts 250,000 miles that's 62,500Mwh which will cost me about $6,250.
So excuse me for not jumping on the LY1 band waggon.