Originally Posted by slime
I love the oil cooled 1200 GS. That was what i wanted but found this for a good price. I'm house/garage shopping so I can't upgrade just yet. I did spend a week on a Rawhyde tour in the south western USA this past summer. I rode a new 1250 GS water boxer and really like it. Would buy one if the time was right. The new shift cam motor is pretty impressive.
This is the inside of the an R1250 water boxer valve cover. The Shift cam is the left side of the picture. The little black servo motor above the grooved drum. One of the guys managed to crack a valve cover on a rock. Didn't realize it until we were leaving Death Valley. We had stopped for a break when it was discovered. No problem. Tech did a roadside repair. Just laid the bike over on the crash bars and replaced the valve cover. It's nice to travel with a stocked chase vehicle and a tech!