I want smoother side hatch doors for the cap: windowless on the driver side and a single window on the right. As others and that NASA study have mentioned rounded front corners are better. I decided that I want to re-skin the doors, keeping the basic structure of 1x1 square tubing, but replacing the aluminum faces with a fiberglass skin that curves around the square leading corners of the cap. Rather than make them from scratch, I shopped online classifieds for flat fiberglass full-size pickup tonneaus. Scored this Leer unit from a 90s GM 8 foot bed for $60. I will measure and mark the side panels in the next couple of weeks. I’ll cut them so that the angle of the leading edge will match up well with the back of the cab. I won’t be able to rebuild the doors for a while, but I want to cut them soon so that they are easier to store and so that I can experiment with some of the scraps. The tonneau has two layers of ‘glass in most areas, so the scraps will help me determine the best way to reduce the doorskins to a uniform 1/8” thick layer. I have more immediate plans for some of the leftover scrap. More on that shortly.