Originally Posted by Hersbird
The guy I referenced above has some other blogs about how no energy is sustainable at our growth, not even the entire power of the sun. In 2500 years we would need all the energy in the galaxy.
His point is the growth has to stop at some point, just on the physics of it. He then ties that to economic growth in another blog but I'm not convinced the two are 100% tied together.
I'm hearing (reading) that we'll plateau at around 9-billion souls.And that's all we need to build out to.By getting off fossil-fuel we can cut primary energy needs by 2/3rds,simply eliminating the entropy of combustion.As efficiency grows,and renewables proliferate,at some point we'll achieve saturation,where demand is met by supply, a static population,and no more need of energy growth,as all activities only become ever more efficient.