I do not understand that the lessons learned in designing a fuel pump was not carried over for charge stations.
1) Why is there not an easy way to pay at the charge point without an app?
2) Fuel pumps have this neat thing where they manage the hose with a spring tension reel. Why do charging stations not manage the cable with such a reel? It would keep the cable from being all over the ground (I have see this at several charging locations) and also allow a decent cable length and be more flexible (Superchargers short cable).
3) Longer EVs/trailers/efficiency ofd pull thru charging locations over parking spots. If there was a fixed flow direction and the spots were you charged were not parking spots, but pull through spots, then time would never be wasted going into and out of a spot. The flow would be much more obvious and there would be less time spent backing up and manuvering to get out of the next person's way. This is why drive thrus, gas stations, and such are all designed this way. I understand charging takes longer, but for faster chargers, like Superchargers and CCS, where the time spent will be much shorter, flow thru will be more practical than parking.... in my opinion.
Sorry, jumped on the soap box and started ranting.