Originally Posted by serialk11r
@teoman I don't think that's possible, you can't place multiple ignition points far away and have the arc jump to them (the arc would just go to the valves instead which are closer). Building a consumable item into the piston is not a good idea anyways. If you had a 3 valves per cylinder, you could put two spark plugs to either side of the single exhaust valve. Along similar lines here is the Miyama Multispark concept placing ignition points where the head gasket is: Miyama MULTIspark | Multi-point ignition technology
@pgfpro Catalytic autoignition sounds like a really bad idea to me. You have no control over when it ignites. Since you need to wait for gas to diffuse through the chamber, you're losing ignition timing as speed goes up, which is not good.
They actually dyno all the engines before and after to determine a base line power and what element will be used to make improvements. They increase the compression ratio with a much higher comp piston. Also with their pre-chamber modification it won't need a lot of ignition advance because of the flame jet it produces vs a conventional kernel. The flame speed increases drastically. So this is why it works amazing for a lean burn engine. The dyno results show an increase in HP and torque across the power band.