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Old 09-17-2008, 07:43 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Exclamation Cheap man's AC! (beaded seat cover)

Well I bought a pair of the beaded seat covers for my Civic that doesn't have AC, but my fiance doesn't find them comfortable, and doesn't want one on her seat. So now I have one seat cover that hasn't been used for more than 10 mins, haha. I'd just like to get $10 for it, and enough for shipping if you don't live close by. That's a hell of a deal, if I do say so myself, haha

It's the same seat cover as seen here in case you're curious:
Beaded Seat Covers Are Cheap, Keep You Cool | Hypermiling, Fuel Economy, and EcoModding News -

The back rest part is narrower than the seat area, just like in the pic. And like I said, it doesn't have more then 10 mins of butt-time, so it's in brand new condition. Let me know what you guys think!

~ If you don't jump with both feet, you don't move at all ~
2000 Civic DX :: 52/50 psi :: Free Warmer Air Intake :: Duct Tape Aero
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