Originally Posted by freebeard
You obviously don't like the idea as much as I do, of helicopter space stations flying upstream in the Solar wind.
No, I do.
I just think the majority of our future "innovation" and solutions to problems will involve genetic engineering. It's the next frontier; one which has barely been explored.
I got my 23andme results back today. It said I was 22% Japanese (all this time I've been misleading people to believe I'm 1/4). 20% French and German. It also said I'm 8% Ashkenazi Jew. I just realized you can't spell Ashkenazi without nazi. Anyhow, I've pretty well covered the axis of evil there, except I don't have any Italian.
The report seemed a bit like a horoscope, where you're tempted to see the proof of something when it agrees, and dismiss the things that don't line up. It said I'm not likely to be afraid of public speaking, and I'm petrified. It said I'm not likely to sneeze with bright light, and I do.
Anyhow, my point is that we're using genetic information in the most crude manner possible, and so much is left on the table to exploit that this is where the big money will be.