Originally Posted by freebeard
•I apologize for posting Arcimoto related material in a Tesla thread.
•The OP was on January the 4th. It may have been top of mind for you the whole time, but I have to rely on tools to follow, after having contemplated a few other things. Mac OS Summary service shows that you're recent addition is very relevant:
...sorted by sentences. If you sort by paragraphs it returns this:
•Since all I want is some mental image of what you're on about I go duckduckgo.com/?q=trailer+dome+ecomodder&iar=images and six of the returns are things I've posted.* (Try it) Since it's a subject obviously of interest to me I hope you can see why I use my words to prompt for a frame for the wall o' text at Permalink #1.
* Still the ultimate tiny house:

At 15-weeks now,I've yet to complete all the calculations and drawings for the TFLcars.com rebuttal AeroStealth is going to do on YouTube.With help,it's my intention to publish them here.
Ultimately,the aerodynamics will digress all the way back to the Lillianthal Brother's,Eiffel,Maurice Farman,Frederick Lanchester,of the 19th -Century.Paul Jaray to the present.
Online,'Fairing Well',from NASA,has a recipe for truck aerodynamics that all contemporary trucking companies use worldwide.Freightliner Corporation came up with the same stuff.General Motors presented very similar results in 1963.Ford Motor Company displayed similar technology at the Seattle World's Fair.AeroVironment/General Motors set a very high bar for aerodynamics in 1987,with Sunraycer,of which GoroTamai elaborates on in his book,'The Leading Edge.'
None of it's made it into the RV industry.
At the Tesla owner's forum online there are testimonials about member experiences towing RV Travel Trailers with the Model X.
Using the recipes published 40-years ago,for instance,anyone can take a Bowlus-Teller Road Chief,and streamline it such that in California,a Tesla ModelX can tow one with 316-miles range,away from the mountains.Tow over to Leo Cabrillo State Park for a couple weeks of Pacific Ocean recreation for instance.
Cybertruck,solo,will consume 273 Wh/mi compared to 216 Wh/mi for the Model X,with 426-miles range.Pulling the streamlined Bowlus nets 632-miles range in Cybertruck.This addresses the 'relativity' of TFL's and Jason Fenske's conclusions about BEV towing.
Road horsepower more than doubles between 55 mph and 71 mph.Towing at 75 mph needs to be seen in its proper context.You may have noticed that,there's not a commercial trucking company that attempts to pull an 88,000-pound rig up a 7% grade at 75-mph.And it's germane to Andre's attitude towards zero-concession towing.The RAM pickup,pulling the Cimarron ShowStar returned 26.5 miles range with the Model X fuel tank.The Model X could do it at 45-miles range.
We hope to clear up this contextual confusion.More work to do.