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Old 02-21-2020, 02:31 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
Same experience as Oil Pan.

My Prius was something like 70% efficient charging from 120v, and 85% charging from 240v. The battery fan on the Prius runs continuously during charging, so reducing the time spent charging reduced the amount of time the fan and electronics ran.

I assume there's half the line loss by doubling voltage, but that's less of a concern than reducing the time all the related charging circuits and motors are on.

How about that Y adaptor? Think you could find 2 outlets on opposite phases? Of course, you could hardly run anything else on both of those circuits or you risk tripping the breaker.

Finally, you could get a Y adaptor for the dryer and an extension cord. They make dumb adaptors where you'd have to be careful to only run 1 at a time, and they make smart adaptors like the dryer buddy that will switch automatically.
Well, there is one single circuit in the garage, so it isn't an option sadly.

As for the dryer socket, the dryer alcove is on the other side of one wall of the garage but I'd have to drill a hole through the wall large enough to run the 240V plug through, then seal it for thermal reasons. It's possible, but a bit of a pain in the ***.

We are also likely moving in the next 2-4 months from Salem back up to P-town, as I'm hoping to get a job up there. Next place we live might have more options. Pretty limited in this current place.
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