Originally Posted by HaroldinCR
Second video, what's with the launch advantage ? The original White Zombie always ran equal launch lights, and wiped out the competition. This was before the lighter weight Tesla cells/batteries were available.
Originally Posted by Hersbird
I'm not sure what exactly you are talking about, but it's probably bracket racing. In bracket racing you mark a time on the window and they set the light delayed on the faster car so theoretically they both cross the finish line together. If you go faster than your marked time it's called a breakout and you lose, unless the other car also breakouts but by a larger margin. It doesn't effect the capability of the car or the numbers on the printout, it just makes for fun way to test drivers ability for reaction times and consistently of making a run. Bracket racing is a drivers competition, not so much a car competition.
Umm ... *NOT* bracket racing.
Original White Zombie
Zombie 222
In THEORY there is no difference between Theory and Practice
Last edited by thingstodo; 02-25-2020 at 03:11 PM..
Reason: Added second quote .. didn't realize that nested quotes don't work so well?