Originally Posted by Ecky
Be careful that you get the auto-adjuster levers on the right way with the rear drums or they will auto-adjust the other way. Ask me how I know. 
That might be, I'll see if I can figure out what I did wrong when I mess around with it over spring break before taking it apart. For about a week before they went out I noticed excessive scraping from them whenever I used the brakes, as if they were going bad or weren't tight enough, but braking was fine. And when I resumed driving, there would still be a scraping for about 30 seconds after I had resumed, as if they weren't fully releasing. Maybe I just need to replace the rear drums. Whoever told me that drum brakes are easier to service than disc brakes is dead wrong.
Does Nathan still run without rear drums? The braking at speeds below when I can use engine braking is cut in half and I can't imagine driving with it that way regularly.