Definitely start with wider tires in the front at lower pressure. I have no ice racing experience (sounds like a hoot though!), But I did some endurance racing in a stock four cylinder class on pavement with a 90 Integra. We had to use DOT tires with a 60 series sidewall, which made things difficult. Tire pressure was critical to keeping traction in the corners. I ran something like 38 front (to keep the tire from folding under) and 28 rear. I have no idea what you'll want for ice racing, but I'd wager a guess it will be less than I ran in the front. You can tune tire pressure by putting chalk on the sidewall and try out different pressures until you see the tire just start to roll under (wearing away the chalk on the sidewall right where the tread ends) from cornering- at least this works on pavement. YMMV for ice