Originally Posted by oil pan 4
Density, we talking power to weight or power to volume?
Batteries are always going to to score pretty horrible in both you will need several things to make a battery work.
A structure to make up the anode, cathode and electrolyte. Then that will go in some kind of cell container. Those cells will need conductors to to connect them together. Then those conductors and cells will need support structures to hold them in place. Putting it all in a water tight box is a pretty good idea. And should probably add a cooling system if you want it to last a long time.
The way I'm interpreting the claim is,that at a given volume and mass,the new technology would provide twice the kWh rating.So a replacement pack would double whatever came out.
Goodenough said his new Lithium tech wouldn't catch fire, wouldn't require imported cobalt,and would use powdered glass.Sounds pretty sweet!