Originally Posted by redpoint5
I ask shops not to mess with the tires. They are happy to not do something and charge full price.
My 2017 came with free oil changes for the first 3 services. 5 weeks after buying it i took it in for the first one. Yes, 10k miles in 5 weeks. Hour drive to the dealer, 2 hour wait and hour drive home. The salesmen tried to get me to pay for an alignment on the first service as in his words “toyota recommends and alignment at 15k miles”. I smiled, handed him the owners manual and asked him to show me where it says that. Furthermore, i told him that the car was just purchased 5 weeks ago and if the alignment is off it should be covered under warranty. Got a free alignment that day and the car has never been back to the dealer, even for the “free” oil changes. I can do them myself for roughly 30$ and 30 minutes of my time vs a half a day using toyota filers and mobil 1. The stealerships can pound sand.