I had an old beater, a 78 Mercury Cougar, that had the exhaust hit the frame and the rear axle at different speeds. The car wasn't worth fixing properly, plus I was broke, so I cut an old radiator hose and wrapped part of it around the axle tube with some metal clasps (the ones with the worm gear, the name escapes me). Where it hit th frame I wrapped a small piece of header wrap around the pipe, another radiator hose piece over that, all clamped down. I still see the car occasionally and although the exhaust has been repaired the axle wrap is still there.
I just put new shocks on about a month ago, I lost 2/10 of a mpg. I attributed it to having a lowered front end but the shocks being for the stock height. The air dam gave me that loss back. If I could only get my hands on some coroplast..and a parking spot.
And yet again, Nice Work!