Originally Posted by freebeard
Disagree. The staggered studs would be 32"O.C. on each side. 48" sheet materials would have unsupported edges.
12"O.C. and each sheet has supported edges and one stud in the middle.
0-16-32-48-0-16-32-48 outer wall studs
0-8-0-16-32-48-0-16-32-48 inner wall studs
Inner and outer wall studs are offset 8 from one another. You just need to start with a 8 piece of wall board or sheathing, then full sheets.
Top and bottom 6 wall plates and corners will not however have a thermal break.
Door - window headers and openings can be built with a thermal break.
This is a far better and cheaper way of achieving 90% of the benefit of a Tstud thermally broken wall. Tstuds cost approximately $2.50 pr. ft. for a 2x3-1/2 stud or $20 per stud and have limited availability.
Use 2x8 instead of a 2x6 for added insulation depth for the win...!!!