I’ve been away for a while, but that doesn’t mean progress has stopped. I’ve somewhat solved mounting for my mirror delete blanks and have been cruising around with no mirrors. The mounting isn’t perfect, the blanks need weatherstripping on the backside, and the white coroplast screams “self modded” but they seem to work. I even grabbed the interior corner trim from a higher level Ion that had power mirrors so I don’t have a hole in my corner trim for the adjuster.
I’m also in process of making pizza pans fit over the wheels I got (still haven’t been weighed bc I don’t have a scale)...
...aaaand, I’m delving into engine tuning by means of tricking the sensors. A friend made a circuit to put a potentiometer in line with the MAP sensor and the thought is to trick the PCM into reading more vacuum than it has, in order to advance timing. Being that it also affects air fuel ratio at wide open throttle (to be fair it skews the mix everywhere but in closed loop the car will use the oxygen sensor to correct) I have only made slight adjustments and have been logging data and watching fuel trims to make sure the car can still correct enough to have a proper air/fuel ratio. So far though I’ve gained (I think) 1.5-2 degrees of timing at cruise, 1 degree throughout the range at WOT, and like 6-8 degrees at idle. The car idles normally and drives fine around town and on the road, but being more responsive/powerful. Since this affects the UltraGauge readings I have no way to say for certain what it does to economy, it seems about the same on the gauge but I’ve no way to verify it’s accuracy. My tank average is shot due to having a lot of long WOT pulls on it from the tuning, and to be honest I just don’t drive it much. With my work all but shut down I don’t really drive much at all at the moment
My current Ecotec project...
My last Ecotec project...