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Old 09-18-2008, 11:27 PM   #48 (permalink)
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FarFarfrumpumpen - '03 Volkswagen Jetta Wagon GLS Premium

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I've got a new over the top idea for my setup (would be cheaper to build a forkenswift already).

A Centrifuge!
I know it would filter the wvo better than anything else, and I'm thinking it would remove a good portion of dissolved water as well; primarily due to the fact that the water mostly in particles, but also due to the fact that oil is lighter than water, so the water should end up trapped . . .

Here's the youtube vid that got me interested.
2016 Tesla Model X
2022 Sprinter
Gone 2012 Tesla Model S P85
Gone 2013 Nissan LEAF SV
2012 Nissan LEAF SV
6 speed ALH TDI Swapped in to a 2003 Jetta Wagon

Last edited by dremd; 09-19-2008 at 01:53 AM.. Reason: oops forgot vid!
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