I am sorry about all of that freebeard. I would hate for anything to happen to my brother!
I made myself breakfast in bed and only saw one client, but it was still a busy day.

I received many e-mails from both jobs. The school CEO (that doesn't sound right) wanted to tell everyone that we will be paid the average of our previous paychecks and that we have the best on-line school in the state. That supervisor said that since we are not going back to school anytime soon we need to do teletherapy wherever possible and send out packets for everyone else.
I am supposed to do some teletherapy with my other job and I had e-mails about that on Monday, too, as well as some websites and dozens of people on Facebook wishing me a happy Xistday, plus more sites telling me what they are doing about coronavirus.
It seems like more places are e-mailing me wanting me to spend money that I do not really have.
I have difficulty doing paperwork and schoolwork at home. I hate to think about trying to do teletherapy with my brother shouting "Ah ah ah!" and turning off my light, Mom having loud conversations with my brother's provider and arguing with Hallmark and then poking her head in to talk to me.
"Mom! I am working!"
[to my laptop] "Oh, are you one of Xist's patients? Hi, I am his mom!" [pinches my cheek]
"Mom! You are breaking so many laws right now!"
So, I moved everything from the shed to the garage, ran an extension cord, and set up lights and a table.
I continued seeing as many clients as possible and read the e-mails and made sure that I understood everything.
The school supervisor kept sending out text messages, which seemed okay, but I kept getting one-word responses, emojos, or that some basic woman liked a basic message.
Anyway, after I took care of a bunch of things on Monday I asked Mom if we could watch a movie. She agreed and I played it in the living room, but then her sister called and Mom put her on speakerphone, but it was just the two of them, while I was trying to watch my movie. I kept asking Mom to take the conversation to another room and my aunt acted like I was a spoiled five-year-old demanding his mommy's attention.
They got off the phone, my brother's provider brought him home, and they had a loud conversation where the hired help shared crazy stuff that she gor from Alex Jones or something.
I went to get dinner.
One night I couldn't use my office because the Internet was too slow. Another time I felt that it was just too cold, but it was 30° and snowing on Friday.
I did not feel that I had a choice.
I pulled up the contact information for all of my students and e-mailed or called all of the parents. I have teletherapy scheduled from 09 to 1600 on Monday and then I am supposed to do teletherapy with two clients.
I gave her an update and she said "I still need to talk to you!"
Yeah? So, eventually?
She ordered me to respond to each and every message and then sent out a text today saying that if she did not hear from us she worried.
She didn't act concerned, she acted angry.
It kind of frustrates me that neither of my supervisors knows when Xistday is. I try to keep track of my kids' birthdays.
I have a list.