I have traveled really a lot with this car
- Albania
- Montenegro
- Macedonia
- Bosnia
- Slovenia
- Hungary
- Poland
- Russia(kalingrad)
- Italy
- Austria
- Germany
- Spain
- Portugal
- France
- Monaco
- Luxembourg
- Andorra
- Belgium
- Nederland
- Danmark
In every country LPG stations are spread nicely i didn't had to drive off road to refuel my tank. After some time i asked on stations workers do they have lot of LPG cars, in every of them told me they don't have them a lot, some of them store LPG over 6-7 months until they fill them up again ... Only country which told me oposit was in Slovenia and in Portugal.
I payed 1600€ to place LPG in my car and 300€ some papers to place it into car documents, and that is it. I didn't had really any problem with it, i googled it a little bit and i found that several car company have motors with only LPG, but they are mostly unavailable to buy in Europe(Croatia).
And story about that car is slower, well i have 150kS and i drive pretty much nicely i do not see any problem or that i'm slower on LPG ...