Those side cameras are super cool, Ecky! Are those DIY?
So, prototype side mirror plate came out great. It's pretty insubstantial, so it only took a couple of hours to print.
Enjoy looking at my finger toes.
I went out and test fit this guy...
I'm about as happy as can be with that EXCEPT for something I forgot from the first mock up.
That little ridge along the top of the factory plate's recess. Yep, there's no allowance for that in my design. If I'm not holding the plate up (or it's not wedge in there) it'll fall out.
This is why we build prototypes.
I also looked to see that all the mounting holes had plenty of material underneath them so that I could securely heat set those threaded inserts when the time came. The rearmost hole was barely covered by PLA, so I went ahead and added a little cylinder of PLA underneath it. I also cut the subtractive out of the top of the panel for the ridge.
And viola:
This one I'm expecting to fit just fine. The factory weatherstripping actually looks pretty good against the prototype but I'll probably add some rubber underneath, juuuuuust in case.
Tomorrow, I'll look under the driver's side to make sure it's the same and figure out how I want to set the mirror against this plate. I had considered routing the hole out after printing but I think just doing it in CAD will be loads easier and prettier. Based on this photo, the base of the low-pro mirror will need to fit along the bottom edge of the mounting plate:
I should be printing the final product tomorrow night, painting and mounting on Sunday (knock on wood). I was going to use some filler to make everything perfectly smooth but this filament is printing fine enough that I'm pretty sure I can just sand it, paint it black, and poly it.
I'll have a bunch of errands Saturday morning but I'm pretty sure I can get a photo of the Crosstour in front of a big white wall behind the nearby Target for cross section analysis. That way I can proceed with install, even if I don't quite have the data on the area yet.