I'll try giving info on maine, I pushed many boundaries of common sense. googling gets public record, and most easily is the inspection pdf files.
Things they do not mention,
EGR.Exhaust gas recirculation valves. It has had to get chucked into the secret pile of anything-but-nuclear-and-too-close-to-deny-the-strangeness on every auto I have had. I am still into older ones with real downdraft, and Satanic EGR helped do away with gas mileage and the greatest invention of the auto history of the world: a carburator. As we all know, if japanese gets glorified to best seller, someone closer to Eurpeans real auto inventions was a real dummy. EGR might have been one of them. I still blame the Gook of the flunking auto century...Anyway, no problems getting rid of it, and recommended. Ya don't like it, go back to seattle and claim its a fuel saver in all that rain.
Exhaust. Ricer fart cans will get you a personable bad attitude in return by much of the law working streets.Don't kid yourself mr.acura. You are a bad ass. Capiche? Welcome To Maine. And if the law don't get it. A 5 year old chevy fan might launch the potato from his homemade launcher evangelistically and break your pedibear cutey petutey car in half. Wow. even the little guys know what a guys car is...

A full chambered muffler and catalyst convertor a must do.Unless your a pedobear on a harley, and that needs federal laws for the big kiddy lovin apes to possibly understand after telling them harley has been a failure since the wobbly drunken day it started up for the idiot who slapped it together. Legend it is not.Loud exhaust is somehow freakishly allowed louder than a gun. I wish I could use a gun on a harley more times than not...
Body welding . I have seen unbelievable major work done, even unibodies mounted on truck frames, and passing a real inspection. Common sense is very good here about the welding and custom work that may be considered outrageous elsewhere.It is either stronger, meeting standards or isn't. (A big "duh" for the dumb inspectors out there).Of course no car /truck gets away with a strong opinion, welding is done on 150% of all automobiles here and doubted at all times. Else we be dead at any given moment.
That is about it. Bigger wheels, tires, etc etc..all good within reason..