Benefits of COVID-19...
We have had 3 weeks of blue skies with no con trails. No clouds at all on the majority of days. Could be coincidence, but I've never seen this before.
And blue is hard blue. Even close to the horizon it's still blue instead of grey or yellow as was common. Yellow sunsets (instead of red). The air is really much cleaner than ever.
And less noise. Working from home I hardly drive at all, and going outside in the garden or for a walk it is all birds and hardly anything else. My tinnitus got less!
2011 Honda Insight + HID, LEDs, tiny PV panel, extra brake pad return springs, neutral wheel alignment, 44/42 PSI (air), PHEV light (inop), tightened wheel nut.
lifetime FE over 0.2 Gigameter or 0.13 Megamile.
For confirmation go to people just like you.
For education go to people unlike yourself.