Here's a question/case study for you. I'm holding a reservation number for an Arcimoto FUV (higher than their total production of 100+ (More than Tucker)). At some point I anticipate exercising it.
They have a stock fiberglass motorcycle-style fender and abysmal range at freeway speed. One thing needed is a full pantaloon/pontoon fender, but the inside wheel at full lock needs truncation.
Maybe a box cavity or details cribbed from rear view mirror designs?
Here's the most I've done on the full body. Proportions are right, except for a two foot boat tail, but the daylight openings aren't cut in. I'm actually backsliding with this newer software.
I envisage riveted aluminum construction, like Randy Grubb's DecoPods. Except only one cut edge for each hexagon, pulled into a shallow cone. And frenched-in 1959 Cadillac tail lights in wind-splits as vortex generators (?)