I joined Locals.com and subscribed to rubinreport.com since Dave was offering the first month free. Got to talk to him twice via Zoom, which wasn't too shabby for a free trial.
It's a $5 monthly subscription, which I generally tend to avoid, but it does tend to encourage positive interaction since hardly anyone is willing to pay five bucks to be mean to strangers.
I don't know if I'll stick around yet, but interesting concept he's got there, and so far the community has been positive.
Scott Adams has Dave on this morning promoting "Don't Burn This Book".
As a complete aside, I think my time in prison helped develop my ability to not allow others to steal my sunshine. One of my first encounters (maybe first) with one of the guards, he walked up to me and asked if I had "good time", meaning eligibility for 20% sentence reduction for good behavior. "yeah", I said. "I'm going to make sure you lose all of it", he said. That set the stage for bullying and harassment. A couple others were likewise needlessly cruel.
By explicitly stating his intent, it made it easy for me to frame things correctly. He created a game where the only way for me to lose is to give up the only thing others have no way to forcefully take.
Officer Parnell didn't get a day of my good time, and for all I know, he's still in prison and I've long since left.
Last edited by redpoint5; 05-01-2020 at 04:38 PM..