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Old 05-06-2020, 05:04 PM   #63 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Yippeekyaa View Post
After following this thread with great interest I set out to test and confirm my 1 and only areo mod to my 2011 Prius. It is a lower grill air block that is used 8 months out of the year and has been used for 6 years and 160k miles. It has always added/reduced my mpg by 3 with milage logs and notes of when it has been added or removed.
Built a throttle block from scraps of thin plywood and had to keep adding layers until i was able to keep the speeds down to a reasonable level for testing. Found a nice road for testing and the speeds with or without the block were exactly the same at 94 kmph, set the display to kilometers for better accuracy. This was curious as the benefits of my air block have been proven given the time it has been in use.
After some more thought i plugged in my obdii bluetooth dongle and opened my obdfusion app. Previously purchased the vehicle specific add on for my vehicles and set up a screen with all the various throttle position options. Absolute throttle position%, throttle position sensor output%, and throttle position command value which is in voltages.
Here is what I have learned. In the prius drive by wire system it varies the output based on vehicle speed. At idle, foot off the accelerator pedal it registers .8 volts. With the throttle block in place the output varied according to speed. As the speed increases the voltage increases. From a standstill, accelerator pressed down firmly against the stop it registers 1.1 volts until 25kmh, then goes to 1.2 until 45kmh, 1.3 volts at 60 and 1.4 at 75. Oddly, when going up a long hill speed and voltage dropped all the way down .9 volts and a speed of 22 kmh.
Also confirmed the same readings on my 2017 Prius and my mothers 2014 ford escape.

Sorry Julian, but it does not appear to work on a drive by wire system that varies throttle position in relationship to speed. I will update with photos and a videoi made of the screens previously described. Have to go to work.
Thanks for that. I am not surpised by the Prius with its 'CVT like' power split device - actual throttle angle won't always agree with accelerator pedal position. I am a little more surprised by the Ford Escape (unless it too runs a CVT?), but if that's what you found, well that's it!

Thanks for the feedback.
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